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Table 1 Design process in different areas

From: A review of the effect of integrated STEM or STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) education in South Korea

Design in technology (International Technology Education Association, 2007)

Design in engineering (NGSS Lead States., 2013)

Design in art (Davis, 1998)

 - Identify a design problem

 - Identify criteria and constraints

 - Refine a design by using prototypes and modeling

 - Evaluate the design solution using conceptual, physical, and mathematical models

 - Develop and produce a product or system

 - Evaluate final solutions

 - Communicate observation, processes, and results

- Define and delimit an engineering problem (design purpose, criteria and constraints of a successful solution)

- Develop possible solutions: using models including mathematical models

- Optimize the design solution: evaluation of multiple solutions, making trade-offs

- Identification of a problem

- Research and ranking of priorities

- Viability test of multiple solutions through prototypes

- Evaluation of objects against a socially mediated set of performance criteria