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Table 1 Student attitudes towards science

From: Exploring the roles of students’ home resources and attitudes towards science in science achievement: a comparison of South Korea, Turkey, and the United States in TIMSS 2015


Agree a lot

Agree a little

Disagree a little

Disagree a lot

I enjoy learning science.

I learn many interesting things in science.

I like science.

I look forward to learning science in school.

Science teaches me how things in the world work.

I like to do science experiments.

Science is one of my favorite subjects.

I usually do well in science.

I learn things quickly in science.

My teacher tells me I am good at science.

I wish I did not have to study science.

Science is boring.

Science is harder for me than for many of my classmates.

I am just not good at science.

Science is harder for me than any other subject.

Science makes me confused.