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Table 2 Descriptions and representative items of each dimension in the VNOS scale

From: Exploration of the variety of teachers’ VNOS in China: Is the “step-over development” approach effective?




Representative items

Classic VNOS

Importance of observation

Observation is a basic scientific method, which plays an important role in scientific exploration.

Detailed and thorough data analysis can offset the lack of an observation step in an enquiry

(reverse scoring).

Unity of science

Science is unified, there is a unified family of methodology involved in science.

If the history could be re-run, scientific knowledge might not be as it stands now (reverse scoring).

Objectivity of science

Science seeks the objective truth.

As science continues to develop, scientific exploration will become increasingly closer to the truth.

Communication and collaboration in science

Communication and collaboration is beneficial to scientists for keeping unbiased and creative.

To ensure that their findings are correct, scientists communicate with each other regularly.

Modern VNOS

Observations and inferences

Scientific knowledge development involves a combination of observations and inferences.

Scientists might offer different interpretations based on the same observations.


Scientific knowledge is tentative and subject to change.

Scientific theories could be completely replaced by new theories in light of new evidence.

Scientific theories and law

Scientific theories and laws are functionally different types of scientific knowledge.

Scientific laws are theories that have been proved (reverse scoring).

Social and cultural embeddedness

Scientific knowledge is socially and culturally embedded.

Scientific research is not influenced by society and culture because scientists are trained to conduct pure, unbiased studies (reverse scoring).

Creativity and Imagination

Scientific knowledge development involves human imagination and creativity.

Scientists use their imagination and creativity when they collect data.

Scientific methods

Scientific knowledge development involves the use of diverse scientific methods.

Scientists use different types of methods to conduct scientific investigations.