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Table 2 A summary of data analysis for each research question

From: Promoting productive argumentation through students' questions

Research question 1: What questions are generated by students during group discussions and how are these questions used in constructing productive arguments?

Step 1

Identified all questions written artefacts and transcripts.

Step 2

Grouped all questions into different categories:

a) Key inquiry questions

b) Basic information questions

c) Questions on unknown/missing information

d) Hypothetical questions

e) Other

While grouping, looked out for emerging category of questions.

Step 3

Determined the number of questions generated, number of different types of questions generated.

Step 4

Scored each map against an argument scoring scheme to determine soundness and strength.

Step 5

Used SPSS and determine the correlation between:

a) number of questions generated and soundness of argument

b) number of questions generated and strength of argument

c) number of different types of questions and soundness of argument

d) number of different types of questions and strength of argument

Step 6

Identified the types of questions that showed the highest correlation to strength and soundness.

Step 7

Identified the groups who are the most and the least successful in generating quality argument based on the scores obtained for soundness and strength.

Step 8

Examined the transcript of the verbal discourse from the groups identified in step 7.

Step 9

Segmented the transcript from each group into episodes.

Step 10

Analyzed all episodes to determine how the questions (questions here refers to the types of questions identified in step 6) and speech moves were related to one another, how they were organized and structured towards a strategy to help students support or refute a claim.

Research question 2: What are the strategies employed by groups who are more successful in producing sound and strong arguments?

Step 1

Identified the groups who are more successful in generating quality argument based on the scores obtained for soundness and strength.

Step 2

Examined the transcript of the verbal discourse from the groups identified in step 1

Step 3

Segmented the transcript from each group into episodes.

Step 4

Analyzed all episodes to identify the features of discursive interactions that led to the construction of quality arguments.